Monday, February 26, 2007
Another USB, another leak, another site

One more song from the list on year zero has been decorated with coloured spots over the night; then there has been a show in Manchester; an USB has been found with In This Twilight on it along with an image leading to yet a newly born site-Hollywood in memoriam.
The summary of the craziness around the new album is very well put together on this site - not only it has the 4 so far leaks but there are links to all the crazy sites allegedly connected with NIИ.
And a news dated 25_02_2007 from NIN Hot line :
Year Zero listening part
We've heard via SMS messaging that Spiral members attending the Manchester show tonight got a special treat: "Spiral members went in expecting a sound check and instead got pizza (in your face ninjaw) and Trent turning up saying 'soundchecks are boring - listen to this' and they got to listen to the whole new album ‘Year Zero’. Agree that’s its like the soundtrack to a movie you have never seen. Described it as being like prince, devo, royksop with a large dollop of noise. Equally catchy and dense. Has all the old NIN elements we would recognise but is brand new too."
Now is that fair ????
Of course not - I know I'm one of the many NIИ fans all over the world that would give their right hand for the chance to had been there.
But...OMG...that one is a killer...the pizza mentioned... :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Friday, February 23, 2007
My horoscope for 23/02/2007
They keep on guessing right...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Erase and rewind
Changes are a good thing.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
19 02 2007 Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
It’s not wrong to want more of what makes you feel good, is it ?
Hell, yeah !
You bet !

2 Wish
3 The Collector
4 Heresy
5 Terrible Lie
6 Piggy
7 Closer
8 The Becoming
9 Deep
10 Help MeI'm In Hell
11 Eraser
12 Reptile
13 The Fragile
14 Survivalism
15 Only
16 Suck
17 You Know What You Are
18 Hurt
19 Hand That Feeds
20 Head Like A Hole
SURVIVALISM - live for the first time ever !!!
Pictures from the show

Saturday, February 17, 2007
I am all alone this time around
I'm not happy to listen My Violent Heart an Survivalism on myspace in a crappy quality.
I’m not happy to listen to bits; it’s like looking at fragments of a picture-I can’t see the whole thing.
Anyway, that is what I do the whole morning - I have listened to the new songs at least 10 times each already . The song hits the end and I press “play” again. And again. There’s no place for discouraging yet – I just have to remember how long it took me to like The Day The World Went Away (years; now I adore every second of it).
Friday, February 16, 2007
Trent's blog on The Spiral
02/16/07 : everybody's got one
Exciting times. Maddening times. Somebody needs to get the internet working in Europe for one.The term "marketing" sure is a frustrating one for me at the moment. What you are now starting to experience IS "year zero". It's not some kind of gimmick to get you to buy a record - it IS the art form... and we're just getting started. Hope you enjoy the ride.
A message from TR
nine inch nails presents new album: year zero
A message from Trent:
"This record began as an experiment with noise on a laptop in a bus on tour somewhere. That sound led to a daydream about the end of the world. That daydream stuck with me and over time revealed itself to be much more. I believe sometimes you have a choice in what inspiration you choose to follow and other times you really don't. This record is the latter. Once I tuned into it, everything fell into place... as if it were meant to be. With a framework established, the songs were very easy to write. Things started happening in my "real" life that blurred the lines of what was fiction and what wasn't. The record turned out to be more than a just a record in scale, as you will see over time.
Part one is year zero. Concept record. Sixteen tracks. All written and performed by me, produced / programmed by me and Atticus Ross, mixed by Alan Moulder, mastered by Brian "Big Bass" Gardner. Release date: April 17, 2007.
What's it about? Well, it takes place about fifteen years in the future. Things are not good. If you imagine a world where greed and power continue to run their likely course, you'll have an idea of the backdrop. The world has reached the breaking point - politically, spiritually and ecologically. Written from various perspectives of people in this world, "year zero" examines various viewpoints set against an impending moment of truth. How does it sound? You will hear for yourself soon enough, but given the point of this document is to provide information...
This record is much more of a "sound collage" than recent efforts from me.
A lot of it was improvised.
It is very tedious describing your own music.
It's not just music.
It's probably too long, but it felt like the right thing to do to paint the complete picture.
It will sound different after a few listens.
You can think about it and it will reveal more than you were expecting.
You can dance to a lot of it.
You can fuck to a lot of it (maybe all of it depending on what you're into)."
As if it wasn't complicated enough already...
What the fuck is he up to ?!?
I surely hope we won’t have to play the new album backwards…’cause I don’t know how it is done anyway.
What's happening is far too complex...I'm not sure that anyone can see the whole picture apart from the people behind it. I'm so confused...can't manage even to read all the's amazing though...something memorable is a way I feel like a part of it...still very confusing...perhaps because of the politics...revolution ??? The Spiral Army :)))))))))
I kept on reading...I'm starting to freak out but this time it has nothing to do with my's not just music's frightening
Thank god not everything is so serious and mysterious -
The setlist for 2007_02_15 - Madrid, Spain [La Riviera] :
Mr. Self Destruct
March Of The Pigs
No You Don't
The Becoming
Help Me I Am In Hell
La Mer
Into The Void
The Day The World Went Away
Dead Souls
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Lovely, lovely, lovely
I listen to my intuition today and so far it tells me right. As if the sun shines especially for me today. As if someone is watching over me from above and I hail back greeting.
It’s one of those good-to-be-me days when the world seems like an amusement park and I have a free ride.
There must have been happy coincidences before…before my eyes were closed to everything. Now I see happy coincidences everywhere.
Ain't life beautiful !
The coloured song has leaked
Hmmm, My Violent Heart is on my D:
To listen or not to listen ?
OMFG !!!!!!!!!
There has been a M & G in Madrid yesterday !!!!!!!!!

The setlist for Madrid's Valentine :
The Collector
Terrible Lie
The Becoming
Love Is Not Enough
The Fragile
Gave Up
Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole

Taken from The Spiral forum :
I didn´t think it was possible to top the Sunday in Lisbon, but, tonight´s show has done that. With Heresy and the M&G/Soundcheck..... He introduced Reptile by saying that since it was Valentine´s Day, we deserved a good song.
Of course I listened.
My heart sings :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
The man is like a train in motion – there's no stoping it.
Thank you.
I’ve never thought I’ll say that; I’ve never thought it would even cross my mind but right now I feel so proud to be a NIИ fan !!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Three shows in a row

And the setlist for Lisbon, Portugal-2007_12_02_Coliseum
01. Pinion
02. Love Is Not Enough
03. Sin
04. Terrible Lie
05. March of the Pigs
06. The Line Begins To Blur
07. Closer
08. Reptile
09. Even Deeper (Trent said this song is one of his Fragile's favourites)
10. Help Me I Am In Hell
11. Eraser
12. The Fragile
13. La Mer
14. Into the Void
15. Wish
16. Deep
17. Get Down Make Love
18. Down In It
- Trent thanks to Portugal for the 3 days, says Lisbon was the best place to open the 2007 perfomance and NIN will come back soon -
19. The Hand That Feeds
20. Head Like a Hole
I keep torturing myself reading concert reviews saying “That was the best show I’ve ever seen !!!”. Like that one, copied from The Spiral forum page :
OMG you guys O_O IT WAS THE BEST NIGHT EVER!!!!! I'm totally fucked up though LOL everything hurts BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!! 1ST CONCERT, FRONT ROW, NINE INCH NAILS, AND I'M ALIVE! YESS!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Thank god for the Internet
Finally all the tracks are revealed :

Titles seem...too political...should I begin to worry ??? What is he up to ?! I hope he's not running for president...I mean...I can't vote since I'm not an US citizen :)))))))))))
02/10/07 : onward
On my way to the first show! I can't believe I'm back on tour right now... what am I doing?? Regardless, aside from some jetlag we are ready to go! See you soon.
Current Mood: Excited

Setlist for 2007_02_10 - Lisbon, Portugal [Coliseu dos Recreios] :
01] Pilgrimage
[02] Mr. Self-Destruct
[03] Last
[04] Terrible Lie
[05] March of the Pigs
[06] The Line Begins to Blur
[07] Something I Can Never Have
[08] Closer
[09] Burn
[10] Help Me I Am In Hell
[11] Eraser
[12] La Mer
[13] Into the Void
[14] Wish
[15] No, You Don't
[16] Only
[17] You Know What You Are?
[18] Hurt
[19] The Hand That Feeds
[20] Head Like a Hole

Setlist for 2007_02_11 - Lisbon, Portugal [Coliseu dos Recreios] :
01] Somewhat Damaged
[02] You Know What You Are
[03] We're In This Together
[04] March Of The Pigs
[05] Closer
[06] Burn
[07] Reptile
[08] Ruiner
[09] Wish
[10] Gave Up
[11] With Teeth
[12] Dead Souls
[13] Suck
[16] Eraser
[17] Only
[18] Hurt
[19] The Hand That Feeds
[20] Head Like A Hole

And a bunch of 10_02_2007 photos from a Portuguese website.

Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A good day indeed
Two updates on
02/05/07 : a good evening
I've come to appreciate the fleeting times in life where one can feel truly satisfied and at peace. For me, listening back to your finished record for the first time is one of those moments. I've just had that experience and I feel good. REALLY good! I am excited and proud and I can't wait for you guys to see and hear what's coming...
- Current Mood: Excited
02/05/07 : AND THAT IS THAT.
I am sitting at mastering, which means "year zero" is finished!
- Current Mood: Happy
Plus the Year Zero page gets an update every few hours and new studio photos keep popping out which makes the game of hide and seek quite thrilling !!!!

I want to scream
I want to dance
Life is good :))))))))))
Saturday, February 03, 2007
YZ 3
Friday, February 02, 2007
Good news, great news
Way to go guys !!!
Oh, dear, it is already the 2nd of February. And on February 19-th I'll be standing in line at The Spiral entrance to get in here :

Razzmatazz, Barcelona, Spain
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Cool : )))))))))
01/31/07 : THE TRUTH
Sex! Lies! Leaks! Videotape! Who knows what to believe anymore?
Here's two facts for you:
1. I've read a bit of what you're expecting the record to be like or about, and none of you have any idea what you're in store for.
2. We're finishing the last song right now.
Teaser :)))