Seasonal maintenance
Boy, he looks funny now! With his body fur removed and his head intact he’s like a Looney Tune character :)


Note: that was my debut as a dog hairstylist ;)
you. never. know.
Boy, he looks funny now! With his body fur removed and his head intact he’s like a Looney Tune character :)
I feel weird today…as if something’s about to happen…and I know nothing will…might be the lack of sleep.
Mighty exhausting the working week that passed was but today I am in a festive mood because two people, each of his own significance to me, have a reason to celebrate today and in a way and from a distance I will celebrate with/for them :)
Happy Birthday, TR! It’s really good to finally see you truly happy! I hope it all makes sense now :)
Честит Рожден Ден, Дани! Прегръдки и целувки (хм, нищо не пречи да ги получиш и наживо ;)) ) с благодарност за приятелството и най-искрени пожелания всеки ден да е празник за теб :)
Milla said “You have a crazy taste in music” and I replied “thank you” :)
Milla, those pictures are for you-that is how my camera caught the shoe-like bone and the commercial shooting:
I have a great business idea: a flying company for smokers. That’s right; passengers will be allowed to smoke on board. Even with a 2 hour flight you’re still stuck at the airport for hours before and after the flight and people dying for a cigarette (not because they really need to puff so badly but mostly because they know they can’t and that is what really makes the desire maddening) would appreciate if they are given the opportunity to release the pressure. “Bulgaria Air is proud to offer you a smoking-free environment.” Duh! As if it can be any other way! I even have the perfect slogan to advertise the new company: “We respect your choice!” After all freedom and comfort are among the highest priorities of today’s modern people. I’m not sure the planes will be allowed to land at airports which means the business will have to be expanded by building its own airports. And it could be expanded even further with the creation of an insurance company and selling life insurance policies before each flight :) The idea, I think, has very good chances for success.
And I came up with a wish much better than “Have a safe flight!” – “Have a boring flight!” That is the best kind of flight I can think of. Wouldn’t you prefer to be spared a dreadful experience ending OK? Both my flights were boring to death. Umm, maybe it is better not to use the “d” word in one sentence along with “flight” :)
A friend I talked to yesterday advised me to hurry up and write down my
Here’s a rather long example of what I mean:
Getting out of
As I was washing my hands in the hotel’s bathroom something was bugging me and I suddenly figured out what: the sink was “made in Bulgaria”-there was a sign on it “Vidima Ideal” :)) No, I didn’t take a picture of the sink so you’ll have to take my word on it but I did take a picture of my hotel’s entrance-it looked nice, see?
The room was quite satisfactory as well-small and cozy, provided with everything needed except for a hairdryer so I had to buy one. I should’ve probably left it there for the next guest to use it but I took it back with me-after all I do expect to go to
So many warning signs! Don’t do this and this or else! What confuses me about them is not the prohibition itself-regulations are vital for keeping such a monstrous city running efficiently and in order, but the fact that people are actually encouraged at every step to report violation if they witness one. “Clean up after your dog or risk 80 p penalty.” We could use that in Sofia-apart from me I know of only one other person doing that-cleaning up after her dog, I mean, not reporting :) By all means, disregarding regulations is wrong but spying on your fellow-citizens is nothing but nasty and takes preservation of the peace in the city on a completely different level. The first relates to the single individual’s moral while the second speaks for the moral of the whole society and the direction it is heading to. “If you see someone smoking on the tube station, please dial # xxxxxxxx” Oh, come on, I can already see new signs put all over the city: “If you see someone sneeze, please cal # xxxxxxxxx” Is this the right way to build a people-friendly society? Clean and in fear or messy and free-that is the question and I’m afraid I don’t have the answer. Everything has a price and freedom surely is costly. You can’t gain something without giving something else away. It is always a matter of compromise and how much you are willing to trade. As much as I hate to say it I have to agree that people as a whole are not ready yet to bear the consequences of total freedom and until their conscious evolves they will have to put up with restrictions. Makes me feel relieved I am just an ordinary person who can only have an opinion on decisions made by someone else. And I can only hope that people making those decisions are aware of the responsibility the have which is not less than the power on their hands. “With great power comes great responsibility” Hopefully people in high places know that too.
But, hey, it’s not like I’m looking for a new motherland-I already have one, thank you :) My point is that no place is perfect and instead of searching for something that doesn’t exist you better try to work with what you have and make it perfect for you. NB, whining doesn’t help at all :)
Oh, Kensington gardens! I specifically took a note to see them this time and I did it on Saturday. The gardens cover a huge space and they were pretty as I hoped. Trees and green lawns everywhere, as far as eyes can see!
I enjoyed the walk very much at first but after being trapped for nearly 2 hours inside the garden I only wanted out…but how?! I got lost because I couldn’t find a single map with a mark pointing “You are here!” Finally there was one at the
And I felt quite comfortable using the tube this time-it is very well organized indeed and it is easy to find your way if you simply read the signs. Of course, first you have to learn how to read them :) But, really, it is easy.
I took a glimpse (because, to my opinion, it is rude to stare) of people’s faces on the tube and buses and I did it for the sake of research because one in five (if not even less) foreigners, while visiting
Yeap, the concert was quite worth the trip but what really made it worth 100 % was the quality, although not enough (it is never enough), time I spent with Kris and Milla. And I finally introduced them to one another! Now two of my dearest friends know each other in person-I couldn’t have wished for more :)
On my first visit to
I’m not sorry to see a good experience end because it fills my glass up to the brim and fuels my hope and faith in people. One can not live without faith and I’d rather put it in something that can give me a hug :)
My father came to meet me at the airport and on the way home he said: “This is the first warm day in Sofia since you left. You brought back the sun.” Umm, it felt good to hear that :)
Not really, he actually started with “The Ride” :)
Oh, come on, it wasn’t NiN! I’m not even close to devastation, I’m fine ;)
But it was really good and I had far more fun than I expected-I thought I wouldn’t like it at all because when I went to the club I wasn’t in a party mood. Or so I thought…
What a crowd! So colourful, wild and excited! There was a mosh pit, pogo dancing, stage diving-the works ;) Alec Empire didn’t seem to mind at all the public’s activity. I mean, quite a lot of people jumped on stage, pushed him into the crowd, hugged him from behind, yelled in the mike and he didn’t even look irritated, aggravated or intimidated or anything. It felt good not only to listen to him but to look at him as well. Now that is a man with an enormous self-confidence and an unmissable stage presence. The confidence he oozed was so solid you could cut it into bricks and build a wall; so solid that it looked as a part of the production. Something like “To do before getting on stage: fix my hair, check if my zipper’s up, switch on my confidence” :) But at one point his mask of coolness went down. There was a special guest appearance-a kinky-, fetish-looking blond giant, apparently well known ‘cause the crowd warmly welcomed him and AE introduced him with pride but apart from his impressive (not necessarily in a good way) look and wacky behaviour I don’t really see why I should know more about him (Edit: for the record-name's Patrick Wolf). Anyway, his addition to the show was so out of this world that it made Alec smile like a grown-up child talking to Santa Claus-even if he know it’s all fake what happens amuses him nonetheless :)
There was a political speech…of course ;) Good luck to him with his plan to take over the world.
The encore was “Revolution action” and it created a real mayhem! Alec let the crowd carry him around while he was lying on their hands in a Jesus Christ pose :) (Is that why he later on twittered about listening to that very same Soundgarden song on the tour bus?!)
All in all it was a killer show!