Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just killing time before it kills me

But of course! Finally the reason for my perpetual inner tension and restlessness revealed itself. It was in front of me the whole time but I didn’t recognize it because of the expected and yet completely wrong assumption that important questions go hand in hand with elaborate answers. For many years I was trying to figure out the world, to understand its logic. Now I realize I was looking for an answer that didn’t exist to begin with. There were moments when I thought my search for the ultimate solution was over and each time I didn’t have to wait long before life proved me wrong. Because I was trying to find logic where was none.

Sure enough, I can choose to think about many other things that everyday life provides but the truth is: everyday life details are deadly boring.

Which I can’t say about the exhibition of Venetian carnival masks I went to see yesterday. I must agree with a friend that some of them look quite creepy (must be the empty eyeholes) but very beautiful nevertheless:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some days are worse than others

There are days…like yesterday for example, when all people (with just a few exceptions…too few to make a difference) seem to have gone mad and all of them point the finger at me yelling “You’re the one that is mad!”.

Sure. Majority rules. It always has. Screw minority; who’s to care anyway?

What did my beloved Terry Pratchett say in “Guards! Guards!”?

“Ankh-Morpork! Brawling city of a hundred thousand souls! And, as the Patrician privately observed, ten times that number of actual people.


Monday, February 22, 2010

ABP #...whatever

To all people who want to ban smoking in public places in my country and as it looks like will succeed at it:

there is one question I’d like to ask you:

Are you perfect? No?

Then what gives you the right to demand that of me!?

And, please, spare me your concern-hypocrisy sickens me.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Forgotten sounds

I must force myself to spare a few hours to organize my CDs because now they are everywhere around my room in total chaos. Hmm, is there such a thing as a “partial chaos”? Anyway, I can never find what I look for (except for my NIN collection that is piled up separately) but on the other hand I surprise myself a lot by finding something I haven’t looked for-well, surprise is assured when you apply the luck of the draw. This morning’s winner chosen to make my exercises look more like fun and less like hard work turned out to be an old chill out compilation and one of the songs on it was “Walking Wounded” by Everything But The Girl. I’m the first to agree that beauty is in the ears of the beholder and as far my ears are concerned this song is disarming in its beauty:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Half is better than nothing ;)

Luckily I have no idea how this week will end but it started with a Monday by the book-mean and biting like a mad dog. There was a bright spot in all the madness-yesterday a rumour was confirmed and now it’s official: Brendan Perry will have a concert in Sofia at the end of March! What better pretext to post this beautiful song:

His voice is like a gentle caress telling “It’ll be alright”.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Who dares to love forever?

Bram Stoker’s Dracula…yeap, the Gary Oldman Dracula. I must have seen that movie at least twenty times already and yet I watched it again when it was on TV last Sunday. And I didn’t just watch it-I was glued to the screen devouring the movie as if hypnotized.

There are so many love stories-why this one?! Besides Gary Oldman’s performance of course who, as a real human being, doesn’t pull a single romantic string in my heart but who manages to breathe life into a character existing only in people’s imagination making it more real than anything I can touch and feel.

Maybe it’s the story itself telling about love that survived through “oceans of time”, love strong enough to overpower even death. The beauty of the story is not in the details but in its idea that speaks the essence of love-to give up your everything for another; to be ready to lose all that you are to protect and save your loved one. True love is where your “I” ends and the only thing that matters is the one you love.

Maybe I love that movie so much because it reminds me there is…there could be more to life than going to work, surfing the net, chatting with friends etc activities that ordinary people like me know as life. Love is the one experience to make our existence special.

“The luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds... true love.”


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On youth and old age

From "The picture of Dorian Gray": The life that was to make his soul would mar his body.

That sentence struck me with its merciless inevitability. One can't have everything. There's always a price to pay.

Back in business

On Feb 1st TR twittered “1st official day of work in the studio.” And this morning is redecorated with a new picture:

And there are even speculations about a new album already out! WTF is going on?! I don’t know about the cat but curiosity definitely is killing me ;)

Oh, happy day! I'd like to have my candy now please ;)

Phui, waiting drives me crazy.