Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Last week was marked by a long awaited turning point in my attitude towards everyone around me-from parents and friends to mere acquaintances and strangers. This will bring me many steps closer to my ultimate wish-to fit. Feels liberating to breathe without fear. The battle goes on.
Balkansky at Sofia Live Club, Jan 20 2010
The past week was a considerable deviation from my routine, not in a good way though. My father was in a hospital for an eye surgery, at the same time my grandmother experienced health problems and my mother left to be with her, I had no choice but to take a few days off work…it's all over finally and to my relief the ending was of the happy kind. So pretty much I blamed the emotional and physical overload for the lack of words every time I tried to write something about the concert on Wednesday night. But even now, with the turmoil securely stored in the past, I’m still tongue-tied.
“magical”, “surreal”, “a brilliant symbiosis between sound and light”, “a delightful treat even for the most spoiled senses”, “a hypnotic trip to the secret garden of the soul”…it was all of this and more; it was simply beautiful. It is always stunning to witness true masters at work. It was a job not just well done but perfectly done and I am happy to have been there.
P.S. On the big screen behind the stage the title of each track would appear. All of a sudden I saw a catch hidden in the way one of the titles was written: the abbreviation “NIN” (and it was there for a reason) Brilliant idea, Ivo! I might’ve yelled with surprise and joy :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Still bluish
I already saw “Avatar” four times in three weeks. I was thinking about taking a little break from the movie and seeing it eventually for a fifth time the weekend after the coming. But yesterday morning Euronews talked about the Golden Globe winners and there were a few seconds from the Avatar trailer…and now I want to see it again ASAP. What’s happening?! As if I’m under a spell.
I never tried to analyze that movie and I don’t intend to. The only thing that matters to me is that it feels fucking fantastic to replace 3 hours of real life with such a beautiful illusion. It’s no wonder I’m reluctant to part with it. The ultimate escape for the price of a movie ticket.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
“People as bells”

Monday, January 18, 2010
Forgotten lessons
Wisdom can only be obtained through experience (experience, however, does not guarantee wisdom).
Counting to 100 is always better than acting on impulse.
Telling to yourself “It doesn’t matter” over and over will lead you to believe it in the end. OK, more likely it will provide your temper the necessary time to boil away. After all only a stupid will argue with a stupid and I’m neither, right? (Easy now, that wasn’t a question).
A good old-fashioned crying in the bathroom helps too (Oscar Wilde advises otherwise: “Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones.” Ah, great literature loses its enchantment when applied to everyday life).
Very few things are worth a drama. Alas, the latter one always occurs to me subsequently.