Friday, December 30, 2016

Only a couple of days left

Yesterday one of my colleagues had a stroke.

Today nothing happened. Nothing bad, I mean. Nothing so far that is.

Seriously, what went wrong with 2016?

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Today is:

Today is Christmas Eve.
Today is the 8th day before the end of 2016.
Today is Kris’s birthday.
Today is the 6th anniversary of Vincent's death.

Of Christmas I couldn't care less.
8 days will seem to drag on forever.
I hope that Kris has forgiven me by now.
And darling Vincent... I am still not over him.

All I want is to hide under a blanket until today ends.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Wish granted

I wished for some good news before 2016 was over and this week delivered not one but two: Placebo will play in Bulgaria next year (I already have my ticket; thank you) and NIN will release new music next week (hats off to TR for keeping his promise).

I would've shown my excitement far more eloquently if I wasn't so tired. Still I am happier than I was a week ago and that in itself is good news altogether.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Even my autopilot is on autopilot. I'm in a state of permanent exhaustion but that's not as bad as it sounds because it makes time fly really fast and that is more than welcome. I'm not clinging to the illusion that all that is bad will be buried in 2016 and life in 2017 will be all wine and roses. It isn't next year that I’m looking forward to but next spring and summer, next outburst of life, next season of hope.