Monday, April 09, 2007

March 30th 2007 – day 10

Written in my diary on March 30th 2007 :

6.30 AM
Last night something was not OK.
He mistaken the “Last” lyrics singing twice

“look through these blackened eyes
you'll see ten thousand lies
my lips may promise but my heart is a whore

I wonder if anyone else have noticed or they have been too busy screaming. Yes, I screamed myself(it gives the illusion you participate that way) but most of the time I preferred to lipsing so that I could hear the voice. I looked at him and he didn’t seem to be OK. What was wrong? Tired? A few shows in a row in different cities must be very exhausting.

No Meet & Greet, no sound check.

What was wrong with him yesterday?! At a point I almost felt guilty for him being up on the stage to entertain us. I know how ridiculous that sounds.
I hope he’ll have a good rest today for tonight is my last show to see.

Last show.

I spotted signs that they were just doing their job. I sensed routine. You’d think they are enjoying themselves but I look at their faces and I see their bodies are present but their minds are somewhere else. And that is OK. It’s normal; they are only humans. Extraordinary but still humans. It is one of the reasons to see more than one concert-to catch them in different moods. Every show is different and every time I see something I haven’t noticed before.

Interesting, realizing they are just people makes me appreciate them more. I do look at them as my friends. Fuck, I hate losing friends.

I watched him very carefully during HURT. He sings that song on every concert. How does he do it?! To perform such a personal song thousands of times…He was looking at the crowd occasionally during that song but was he seeing them?

Set list :

Somewhat Damaged
Dead Souls
The Big Come Down
Gave Up
The March Of The Pigs
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
Help Me I’m In Hell/ERASER
The Day The World Went Away
Something I Can Never Have – thank you a million times!


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