March 26th 2007 – day 6
Written in my diary on March 26th 2007 :
OK, last night’s show..
Something happened…something beautiful.
Brandy…Brandy is a sunshine! I know she’s like that with everyone but the smile she gave me while giving me the ticket saying: “Have fun!” really brightened my dark skies. And oh so dark they were! After Saturday’s disaster yesterday I was walking to Columbiahalle with heavy heart and heavy thoughts as if I was going to meet my doom. I was thinking: “Last night I survived but maybe tonight I’ll not be that lucky”.
Set list :
Mr. Self Destruct
Terrible Lie
Gave Up
March Of The Pigs
Help me I’m In Hell/ERASER – fantastic as always
Somewhat Damaged
No You Don’t
The Frail/The Wretched
Into The void
La mer
You Know What You Are
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
The atmosphere was special-there was something in the air. The band seem to enjoy themselves. And I screamed my lungs out. I can barely talk today but what the hell.
Thank you for that show.
The concert is long over but the magic remains still.
I got my wish-I did meet interesting people while waiting in the Spiral queue! But that is not correct at all-I got much more than I’ve wished for-I met two beautiful and lovely people, the loveliest of all – Kurt and Barbara from Texas , USA .
Like I said, On March 25th at around 3 PM I was walking to Columbiahalle feeling desperate and miserable as possible. I had no hopes, no expectations. All the Spiralers were already there. I went to the end of the line, sat on the ground and spent the next 3 hours without moving at all holding my knees with my hands trying to get warm. Here’s the proof. Someone took a picture of the Spiral line and there’s me up front:

I look miserable because that was how I felt.
And then a couple came in the line. I heard them speak; I recognized theUSA accent. I looked at them-the guy seemed familiar. We spoke-he happened to remember me from Amsterdam . I told them about the bad experience from last night and they gave me a good advice where the safest spot was-by the rail a little to the right/left of the centre. As we were passing security he told me: “Choose a good spot today” and I answered “I will. I prefer to enjoy the concert; not to fight for my life”. I left my jacket at the wardrobe and rushed to the rail-a little bit on the right as they had told me; I looked around and there they were-right next to me! Lovely people; I can’t thank them enough for their kindness! Luckily I’ll see them again in Vienna !
7 PM
My smile is gone now blown away by the ruthlessBerlin wind. The realization of loss… Is it going to happen again? The magic…will it be repeated again?
The hostel is full of noisy French students. They are annoying and vulgar. Maybe I’m unjust. Right now everything annoys me.
Tomorrow I go to Vienna .
Something happened…something beautiful.
Funny, before my first NIN concert I was freaking out: “What am I going to wear? I must look cool!” etc etc etc. Yesterday I just grabbed a T-shirt, took a quick look in the mirror to see if something hasn’t stuck in my hair and left the room.
There was no Meet & Greet. Again. I don’t know why I want to be present at M & G. What am I going to say anyway? What do you say if you’re given the chance of just one sentence? I guess all I want/need to say is “Thank you”.
Luckily the lights were not very bright through most of “Something I can never have” because I cried. Yes, again. I don’t understand that. What is that magic that song has? I’ve heard it thousands of times and yet every time it feels like that first time 17 years ago when I first heard it in some music store. And it flipped my world and nothing was the same ever since. Last night it happened again. I closed my eyes and just listened to the voice and tears rolled down against my will. Magic.
Terrible Lie
Gave Up
March Of The Pigs
Help me I’m In Hell/ERASER – fantastic as always
Somewhat Damaged
No You Don’t
The Frail/The Wretched
Into The void
La mer
You Know What You Are
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
Like I said, On March 25th at around 3 PM I was walking to Columbiahalle feeling desperate and miserable as possible. I had no hopes, no expectations. All the Spiralers were already there. I went to the end of the line, sat on the ground and spent the next 3 hours without moving at all holding my knees with my hands trying to get warm. Here’s the proof. Someone took a picture of the Spiral line and there’s me up front:

I look miserable because that was how I felt.
And then a couple came in the line. I heard them speak; I recognized the
My smile is gone now blown away by the ruthless
God, how sad I am now.
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