Monday, May 05, 2008

Previous Posts
- Read and weep (for laughter)
- Discipline-a new (?!) single by Nine Inch Nails
- Goodbye blue sky
- My day is ruined
- touched
- Little fluffy clouds
- Exciting performance news!
- 42?
- Dignity, style and grace
- Today's photo catch
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gorgeous :)
Yeap :) The less pretty one is almost mine-I took the picture at my parent's house on Easter.
And the upper one is a stray cat. Luckily he’s not very sociable; otherwise I would’ve taken him home by now.
There's something about cats that is simply irresistible :)
couldn't agree more
Gorgeous!! Absolutely beautiful felines.
Who was it that said that felines are the perfect creatures...? Was it Leonardo Da Vinci?
I googled for that quote and came up with an enormous number of cat praising quotes such as:
"Two things are aesthetically perfect in the world - the clock and the cat." – Emile Auguste Chartier
"If man could be crossed with the cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain
Ahahhahaah!! The alst one is VERY true!
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