Sunday, November 18, 2007

Waiting for the storm

I have a HUGE problem. A very good friend of mine needs help and right now I’m the only person who can ease her heavy heart. She has lost her best friend. No, it’s not that; her best friend is alive and kicking but she’s not her best friend no more. And my friend is absolutely clueless about the reasons why her best friend has withdrawn from a 10 years lasting friendship. As far as I know I’m the only one she talks to about it. she feels hurt, betrayed and she’s desperately seeking a logical explanation. Why do people change their hearts? Friends are precious to me; without them I’d be lost. I live for them and because of them. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to help a friend and nothing worries me more than when a friend of mine is in trouble. The fatal mistake in such cases is silence. It brings tension between people; that awful silence that turns pain into anger. As if words are bullets. Yes, they can be, but it is better to be killed at once and be reborn than to slowly wither waiting. Why are people so afraid of the truth? I lie sometimes but I do it only to protect; never to cause pain. But even lies are better than silence. Silence is the worst treatment one can give to another.

I have a feeling as if I’ve been asleep for a long time and I’m just about to wake up. As if a storm is gathering beneath the surface of my mind and it’s just about to unleash its power whipping out everything that’s dirty. It’s my time for a rebirth.

This Sunday, despite the heavy rainy sky, feels surreal and magical. And the love theme pops out of everywhere. I unrolled the fortune slip that came along with my cappuccino and what did I find? I piece from a love poem :)

Love beyond explanations
In every bright spring
In every severe winter
There should be such love
Love beyond explanations.

That what causes problems between people is suspicion and lack of trust. Then one unintentionally puts word in people’s mouths and thoughts on their minds when those words and thoughts are not there in the first place. It’s because one tries to protect oneself from what might happen instead of enjoying what happens at the present moment.


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