Friday, November 02, 2007

I got my propaganda, I got revisionism

I’m a little behind with spreading the word about it but the time has come to acknowledge the very interesting and very well written personal opinion of Rob Sheridan (until recently know to me only as “that NIИ photographer that takes amazing shots!”; well, he turned out to be also a very talented artist and a really funny guy!) on the past, the present and the possible future of major record labels.

Quote: The best music was always made by people who weren't in it for the money, anyway. Maybe smart, talented musicians will find ways to make a good living with or without CD sales. Maybe the record industry execs who made their fortunes off of unfair contracts and distribution monopolies should just walk away, confident that they milked a limited opportunity for all it was worth, and that it's time to find fortune somewhere else. Maybe in the hands of consumers, the music marketplace will expand in new and lucrative ways no one can even dream of yet. We won't know until music is free, and eventually it's going to be. Technological innovation destroys old industries, but it creates new ones. You can't fight it forever.

Yes, it sounds idealistic; of course some people will say it is one-sided-so be it! It happens so that I am on the same side. And indeed it’s not because I don’t want to pay; I just don’t want to pay to the wrong people.

Quote: “The determination of fans to share music is much, much stronger than the determination of corporations to stop it.


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