Monday, June 04, 2007

The choice is yours…?!

Milla reminded me of how I got my The Smiths-This-Charming-Man-Morrissey albums-I had to order them and to wait for over a moth for the shipment. It is still not possible just to walk into any music store here in Bulgaria and simply buy them because these albums are not in stock. Shitty brainwashing pop-culture has overtaken every aspect of life! I don’t mind it in general; what I DO mind is the complete lack of options! How can a mind develop a personal taste if there’s no variety to choose from?


Blogger Red said...

Hi. I've seen you around Milla's blog and I thought I'd come and say hello.

Is it not possible for you to order the music you like online? I rarely buy anything from record shops these days: mostly because the prices are so much higher, but also because in my immediate area, the music I want is simply not available. It's just a sea of shitty R&B (when will it stop taking over the world?!) and chart pop.

12:34 PM  
Blogger balance said...

Hi Red :)
It’s the same here. I suppose it's the same everywhere. I live in the capital of Bulgaria i.e. the biggest city in the country. Still there are only 3 (three) music stores in Sofia: one of them is jazz-world-ethno orientated, the other one is heavy metal-aggressive music orientated (but not my kind) and the third one is supposed to cover all music genres but fails tremendously at that. If they ever happen to have something I fancy they sell it at an insolently high price. Online purchase is the only alternative for me as well but buying online is so…impersonal. It’s the same when I buy books. I love to go to the bookstore, to wander between the shelves never knowing what I might find, to hold the book in my hands and sense the smell of paper. I love that feeling of almost having it but not yet. I don’t get that with online trade.

But music industry will change in the very near future. Musicians will record in studios (of their own or rented) and the albums will be available only for download for let’s say 5 US dollars. No CDs, no record labels, no music stores, no delays and no high prices.
I hope it’s for the best. But I'll miss the CD.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already miss the vinyl disc...

Hi from France, it's been a long time. (",)

9:44 AM  
Blogger Milla said...

How did I remind you?

Talking about music, it has just come into my mind that it's less than a month before the ISIS gig at Koko's. Hooolala!

3:15 PM  
Blogger balance said...

By saying you had left for London to look for Morrissey :)

On Monday Iron Maiden had a concert here in Sofia. I have no interest in that band and I didn’t go but a few of my colleagues (some of them huge fans) attended it. I was so jealous at them seeing their excitement before and after the show…happy you :))

12:41 PM  

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