Saturday, July 20, 2013

"This night we sing we sing"

Just a few shots. Sure, I’m glad I have an evidence of actually being there but it was far more important for me to enjoy the concert with every bit of my body, heart and mind and suck every drop of pleasure out of it than to waste precious time with the camera. Oh, the joy to scream and shout and sing the songs like there will be no tomorrow…that’s priceless!
I want more.

30 SECONDS TO MARS – Lucca, Italy, 13.07.2013

A tour bus-I love taking pictures of tour buses :)

And the fans...OMG, the fans! They were...umm, extreme? Yeah, that's one way to put it. I guess whatever Italians do they do it with passion. No wonder Jared loves Italy so much. 
And, take it from me-don't ever mess with an Italian fan. Ever.


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