Saturday, January 14, 2012


I feel idiot-like whenever my mind steps into the role of an unbiased bystander just to make the crude observation that my life goes in weekly cycles of being an M-F office zombie occasionally awaking her senses on the weekends; as if I am to earn a gold medal or something to keep me warm in the evenings… but that is a different and not so interesting story.

That is why I saw “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” last Sunday (oh, my, that seems ages ago!) but found time to write about its effect on me a week later. Hmm, not that I have much to say-better go and see it for yourself. Some will love it, some will probably hate it but no one will have a dull moment throughout those 158 min and that’s for sure but although I am ready to recommend TGWTDT to anyone at the same time I know I will never want to see it a second time. I go to a movie again (in some cases-many times again) only when it puts me in an emotional state I’d want to fall into once more. But in that movie there’s no emotion I’d want to reply.

So here I go:

N       deliberately missed the rape scene; I knew about it and when it came I sneak out to the bathroom. I didn’t see why I should inflict such a torment on me. (And for the first time the multi-cubicle public bathroom felt spooky and frightening. It was all empty and quiet and I realized that no one would hear me if I screamed…taken I had a reason to, God forbid!)

N       Daniel Craig’s anti-James Bond image; how come some men look fabulous even when they look shabby? Yummy.

N       the soundtrack, of course; the primal reason for going to the movie in the first place. And...(I don’t know how else to put it)…I didn’t quite pay attention to it-so absorbed I was in the plot and the ups and the downs (mostly downs) of the characters. Hmm, maybe I should after all see it again-this time for the sake of the music alone. Not that I don’t have the soundtrack already but I need to be sure for myself exactly how audio and video mix which I failed to notice the first time.

N       Lisbeth knocked on an apartment’s door and the guy that opened it was wearing a T-shirt with the Nine Inch Nails logo on it. I might have produced a sound of surprise and satisfaction :) I might have been the only one in the theatre :(

N       speaking of Lisbeth I just have to mention how much I loved her image. It so happened that I had my combat boots on that day and after leaving the movie theatre to take a stroll on the empty sidewalks as the evening was putting the daylight to sleep my temper was jumpy and my heart felt reckless; a  classic “You talkin’ to me?” case. (relax; no one got hurt-neither I nor anyone else)   

N       last (for now) but not least: the much talked about, re-shared and re-played opening title sequence; an unexpected treat I’m still not fed up with:


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