Christmas's round the corner
It’s Christmas Eve. And I feel OK anyway. At the office the other day as I parted with a colleague friend (he’s more of a friend to me than a fellow coworker…although I’m not sure yet the feeling’s mutual; I’ll have to inquire the matter when an opportunity is presented) he wished me to have fun at the family gathering and to my “I’ll do my best” he replied “Hopefully it’ll come naturally to you”. Who knows, it just might. Hopefully.
4 PM, Onda café.
I don’t rush to go home. I’m quite OK by myself here where I don’t have to control my facial expression and mind my words. But…I have to admit I am grateful there is a home to return to when I feel like it. Some people don’t have that choice. I am grateful that tonight there will be plenty of food on the table and it’ll be up to my vanity only how much of it to eat. Some people don’t have that choice. My parents may not be the best in the world but I know they love me. It’s about time to stop punishing myself for their mistakes.
Sounds good. Now I only have to do it.
Good luck to me.

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