Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How can this be real ?!

In the Spiral forum there’s a thread about the upcoming show in Prague on August 13th. An American from Boston wrote he’d like to come to the show because he’d like to see the city and the only thing that would make him change his mind would be…here’s the quote:

“I'm trying to talk myself in (or out?) of going to this. I flew over to Europe for the Berlin shows this spring but I've always wanted to see Prague; Berlin was sort of second choice when there wasn't a Prague date...however I just got back from visiting a friend in Mexico -- all the trips are sapping my funds as well as vacation time.

EDIT: Oh, and just the thought of going through US Customs again makes me shiver. This time they looked at EVERY photo I had on my laptop -- going all the way back to pictures from 6 years ago. They always 'randomly' select me for special treatment. The agent told me he was checking for 'kiddie porn.' I had my Digital Rebel with me so maybe they thought they would find some naughty pictures? US Customs nearly always stops me.

I am speechless.


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