Yesterday I had another magical experience at the dog
shelter. There’s this female dog-quite small, plain in looks but very adorable.
I don’t know what has happened to her before she got to the shelter but it must
have been dreadful. Her neck is completely naked-there’s no fur on it, just
bare skin. I suppose she has been kept on a tight leash for years. Poor thing. She
has a very sunny disposition but the moment you put a leash on her neck and she
completely freaks out. She pulls back in attempts to break free, she chokes-it’s
simply not possible to walk her in a calm manner as the other dogs. One of the
regular volunteers said she’s always been like that and that sadly she shows no
improvement. And that is why yesterday he gave her to me. “See if you can do
something with her.” I picked her up, fondled her, talked to her, told her how
beautiful she was, how lovely she was. I carried her in my arms for some 30-40
m and put her on the ground. I made sure the leash around her neck was loose
and invited her to walk. And she did! She walked so confidently as if she was
competing in a dog show. Now and then we had to stop for an encouraging word
and a caress and after that she’d walk again effortlessly. We made 3 rounds and
she was perfect. One of the volunteers said “I don’t believe my eyes. What you
did with her is a miracle.” That felt good; really good.
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