Monday, February 18, 2008

Clarity continued

My inability to express verbally the way I feel about life and people causes me enough of stress. The way I see things it is a simple truth that it’s narrow-minded to be mad at narrow-minded people; that it is wrong to be angry at shallow people because that makes you just as shallow; that it is a contradiction to hate people who don’t put love, beauty and empathy on top of their value system as you do because that corrupts the sincerity of your believes and makes them nothing but a sheer pose and if you claim that people should feel nothing but love to each other then you should feel that love yourself even when there’s no response. To reply to hate with hate makes you no different from the people you despise. You can’t mourn about the death of humanity and at the same time to decline to show that very same humanity towards people who are either too immature emotionally or are already far too cynical to recognize the threat in that tendency that has become a trade mark for the modern world. The truth you choose to believe in should be embraced as an absolute truth; it is hypocritical to divide it into pieces so you could pick those that benefit you and leave behind those that don’t serve your personal agenda.


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