Thursday, August 23, 2007

Travel log part 3


7 AM

The hotel looks deserted. The only sound comes from an obsolete wall clock that kills each minute with a sharp bang.

More than 13 hours to go. At least I’m already counting out hours, not days.

What is it going to be like tonight? And what is it going to be like tomorrow in Prague? And how am I going to face the days after?

I’m nervous.

8 AM

Here they are-the first NIИ fans for me to see in Bratislava! And they’re staying at my hotel :)

It’s slightly raining outside-perfect! Everybody hides when it’s rainy and I can have the city all for me!

I love hotels; what’s not to love about them?-you’re greeted with a smile every time you come back (so what if it’s fake; smile included ;), you don’t have to clean nor cook nor anything. To quote Elmer: “Peace and relaxation”.

It’s a lot of fun to explore a city using a map. I feel satisfied every time the next street turns out to be exactly as the map says.

Another surprising observation: it’s not a problem for me to eat in a public place. Anonymity is liberating.

12 AM

I cried this morning; about 9.30 I think it was. There was a man sitting on a bench holding a small dog on his knees. I sat on the bench next to his to drink my coffee (the worst coffee I’ve ever had; do yourself a favor and never go to McDonalds). In a little after the man stood up and left his dog on the ground; the poor thing was crippled and could barely walk. Some people think I’m a freak because the one thing I can’t bear is to see an animal in pain. I don’t think to apologize.


Blogger Milla said...

I LOVE your travel logs! They make me smile, laugh out loud, go 'what???', smile again... very very entertaining. And I always walk around with a map too, adn I always feel satisfied when I realise I'm not lost somewhere! Especially since I am famous for getting lost in small cities and for trapping myself in various rooms.

I also like the pictures very much!
Vera, admit it: Bratislava does look cleaner than Sofia. It does.

3:26 PM  
Blogger balance said...

To hear such high words from a real veteran in lonesome journeys such as you are means a lot (the truth is that after reading that comment I did a little dance of joy as I was sitting in my chair and smiled like a lunatic for some time). Thank you, love, and forgive me for missing to let you know that I enjoy your adventures too.
Wow, you’re leaving again! Have a great time, dear, the best of time; I’ll be waiting to read and see about it.

P.S. OK, now that I am back in Sofia, I can verify (with the help of my eyes and nose as witnesses) that indeed Bratislava is MUCH MORE CLEANER than Sofia. I apologize to anyone that might have felt offended by my words.

5:44 AM  

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