I hope I did good
Hooray! I am soon to be an owner of a “Lust for blood” T-shirt – I ordered one a few days ago. There were only 18 pieces left on stock or so the web site said so. Hopefully the shipment will arrive before I leave for Slovakia-I want to wear it on the NIИ shows. Most likely I’ll be the only one with a Velvet Acid Christ T-shirt. Not that anyone will care since a black T-shirt with something on it is the most common outfit at a rock concert but I will know it and that’ll be enough for me.
And I made a donation on the Toxic Coma web site-the VAC side project although I don’t see it as a donation-I downloaded the album and paid for it as a sign of respect for a job well done. Knowing I’ve downloaded all VAC albums for free made me feel very guilty. Despite the fact I should count every penny and to think twice before spending any I said goodbye to 40 USD with great pleasure.
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