The perfect prank
To me April the 1st was, second, Wednesday and, first, the first working day of the month which meant that situation at work was expected and was in fact a roller coaster out of hell. So at about 7 PM when work was done and the domestic zoo (a dog + a cat + cat #2) was taken care of the time was right to finally stretch my legs and see what’s new on TR’s Twitter profile. And new there was:
“Are you ready??”
Hello?! What did I miss?
A few minutes later there was an update:
“tick tock, tick tock”
What the hell is he up to now?
The answer followed shortly after:
“I've been busy. Brand new FULL LENGTH NIN record available now.Link.”
OMG! He didn’t! Really?!
Clicking on the attached link led to opening a new tab:

Now, a few bells indeed rang on seeing this but there was no time to listen to them. I was at first struck by the alleged album cover. What the fuck is this!? A Jon Bon Jovi best of? A midlife crisis gone bad? Second-the price seemed way to high for a download. But why am I wasting time wondering about details? All NiN fans know that after TR went independent downloading his latest work can be a nerve-breaking experience when hundreds of thousands of people try to get their hands on it at the same time. I must be fast and beat the traffic! Enter email, re-enter email, submit, voila and, oh shit!

Oh, man, it’s the 1st of April! Duh!
Then I returned to the “new album” page and found out it was indeed hilarious:
- “produced by Timbaland”;
- song titles such as “even closer” and “still hurts”;
- collaborations such as
Of course, that’s all just as impossible as NiN performing at the Super Bowl Opening ceremony. I’m surprised TR didn’t include Eddie Vedder’s name anywhere ;)
(although, on second thought, Jay-Z and Bono isn’t THAT impossible)
It was a good joke indeed but with TR’s reputation for a workaholic fooling his fans was a piece of cake. I'm sure everybody clicked on that link just in case-with TR you never know. At least I’m glad he didn’t post false tour dates :)
I found the prank hilarious! :D But I agree, where were Eddie Vedder? ;)
Hey you, are you doing OK? I've been off the internet on and off for a long time but- hopefully, things will work properly from now on, otherwise I'm going berzerk with a baseball bat! :D
Take care Vera!
He probably didn’t want to waste all the bullets on a single target and saved Eddie for another occasion :) His time will come for sure. No, wait, he now has Chris Cornell to ridicule :))
Good to hear from you, really good :) From your comment I take it things for you are more or less OK. It’s the same with me-ups (not that high as I’d wish) and downs (thank God, not so deep as some I can recall). Are we maturing?
Right now I’m staying after work to see if I’ll manage to buy some tickets for the 2009 summer tour. The pre-sale is supposed to begin in 25 minutes. You’re not going to ask “whose tour” are you? ;)
I just noticed The Spiral’s down :( Damn, I didn’t have a chance to use my Spiral ID.
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